Program needs a few more houses to paint


Stokes, who represents Community Development Support As-sociation, and Enid Metro Association of Realtors, wants the homes to paint as part of an effort to help spruce up Enid.

Some houses will be painted outside and some inside, Stokes said, as part of the Enid Paints the Town effort. Two volunteer groups are coming to Enid this year. AmeriCorps volunteers will return in March, and Group Workcamp Foundation of Loveland, Colo., will be here in July. With help from those groups, along with Christmas in Action painting and repairing houses on Make a Difference Day in October, Stokes hopes to paint 100 houses this year.

“This a big collective effort between CDSA, the board of realtors and the city of Enid,” Stokes said.

Group Workcamp Founda-tion is a faith-based organization that recruits young people from across the nation to spend a week serving others in need. The goal is to help young people grow in their Christian faith through experiencing new places, cultures and different ways of life while improving the quality of life in the communities they visit. They provide materials, labor and logistical assistance.

Stokes said about 300 members of that group are scheduled to be in Enid the week of July 6-11, but he said the number could be as large at 400. They will paint and assist homeowners with light carpentry, weatherization and other activities.

Applications for assistance may be made to Stokes at CDSA, 2615 E. Randolph; Enid Metro Association of Realtors, 215 Kenwood; or at the central desk at the city administrative building, 401 W. Garriott. Applications also may be made online at www.enid

There are income limits to qualify. A single person cannot make more than $26,400, and a couple cannot make more than $30,500.

Stokes wants to have 100 applications by March 1.

Last year Christmas in Action painted 12 to 14 houses on Make a Difference Day.

“With the city cleanup effort, the realtors and CDSA are trying to help spruce things up with a fresh coat of paint. We should be proud of our town. We have a lot of good things here, and this is our way to help. This is where we’re able to do this,” Stokes said.

Enid Paints the Town effort is funded by Enid Metro Association of Realtors through contributions made to the fund by participating realtors who donate money from each house closing.

By Robert Barron, The Enid News & Eagle


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