OHFA Offers Seminar on New Multi-Family Affordable Housing Financing Tool for Real Estate Developers
Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency offers developers a new financing tool for creating affordable rental housing. OHFA’s non-competitive four percent tax credits combined with multi-family bonds provides developers with both equity and low interest rate debt financing.
First United Bank Mortgage Named Premier Lender in the State by Oklahoma Housing Finance...
Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency presented the 2016 Premier Award to First United Bank Mortgage, with headquarters in Durant, during its September Board of Trustees meeting. First United Bank Mortgage partners with the OHFA Advantage Homebuyer Program to provide down payment assistance grants to Oklahomans with moderate incomes. With 18 locations statewide, First United Bank Mortgage represents nearly one-fourth of the lending production for the OHFA Advantage
HOME Funds Awarded for the Construction or Rehabilitation of Single-family Homes
Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency’s Board of Trustees approved Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) contracts during its July meeting to provide funding for affordable housing in Oklahoma. OHFA is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designated state Participating Jurisdiction.
HOME Funds Awarded for the Construction or Rehabilitation of Single-family Homes
Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency’s Board of Trustees approved Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) contracts during its July meeting to provide funding for affordable housing in Oklahoma. OHFA is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designated state Participating Jurisdiction.
Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency Provides Operating Assistance to Community Housing Development Organ
Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency’s Board of Trustees approved Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) contracts during its July meeting to provide funding for affordable housing in Oklahoma. OHFA is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designated state Participating Jurisdiction.
HOME Funds Awarded for the Construction or Rehabilitation of Single-family Homes
Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency’s Board of Trustees approved Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) contracts during its July meeting to provide funding for affordable housing in Oklahoma. OHFA is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designated state Participating Jurisdiction.
OHFA Awards $600,000 to Organizations Providing Down Payment Assistance
Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency’s Board of Trustees approved Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) contracts during its July meeting to provide funding for affordable housing in Oklahoma. OHFA is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development designated state Participating Jurisdiction.
The City of Guymon, OK and IBTS Launch Public-Nonprofit Partnership
Services of the City of Guymon’s Administrative, Community Development, Public Works, Utilities, Parks and Recreation, and Library Departments officially transitioned on March 1, 2016, into a public-nonprofit partnership. This partnership is the first of its kind in the state of Oklahoma.
34 Senators, 171 Representatives File Amicus Brief, Urge Circuit Court to Block EPA Attempt...
Led byU.S.Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and House Energy and Power Subcommittee Chairman Ed Whitfield (R-Ky.), 34 Senators and 171 House Members filed an amicus brieftoday in the case ofState of West Virginia, et al. v. Environmental Protection Agency, et al
Congressman Jim Bridenstine Joins Senator Inhofe in Opposing Coal Restrictions
Jim Inhofe in an amicus brief urging the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to vacate EPA’s so-called “Clean Power Plan.” The proposed rules are a clear overreach of regulatory authority and part of the Obama Administration’s plan to shut down coal-fired power plants and continue its war on the poor and those on fixed incomes.
Cherokee Nation merging housing programs
The Cherokee Nation announced Friday that, because of the high demand for citizens’ housing needs, it is merging its department that repairs homes to be under the Housing Authority of the Cherokee Nation, which builds homes and offers rental assistance programs.
Ohio EPA received another round of test results today from homeowners in the village of Sebring who asked to have their tap water tested and all 28 samples were below the federal allowable limit for lead. Ohio EPA ordered the village of Sebring on January 21 to offer free water testing for any homeowner who asked and will make those results public as they are received.
Federally-Funded Solar Beer, Moonshine, and Bags of Air – Its Waste Watch No.4
Congressman Steve Russell (OK-5), a member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, released his fourth edition of Waste Watch. Like the three editions released in 2015, the February 2016 publication singles out examples of government programs that, while possibly well-intentioned, ultimately wasted taxpayer funds.
Lead in the Water, Way Beyond Flint
A single serving of pasta cooked with North Carolina tap water in the home of a sick baby contained more lead than a dime-sized paint chip. An increase in spontaneous abortions and miscarriages was tied to undisclosed lead in the Washington, D.C.’s drinking water. And tap water at an Ohio mobile home community was found to have three times the allowable lead levels for months before residents were informed
Cherokee Nation helps city of Tahlequah with demolition project
The Cherokee Nation helped the city of Tahlequah save thousands of dollars by donating the tribe’s environmental health experts’ time to check for asbestos in a row of nearly two dozen homes marked for demolition