
Congressman Mullin Introduces Impact Aid Legislation

Congressman Mullin last week introduced H.R. 2378, the Impact Aid Fairness and Equity Act of 2013, which deals directly with the Impact Aid federal property program.

Kanbar Properties, Tulsa Winch and Thermal Engineering International envision larger work forces

Kanbar Properties, owners of a 16-building downtown portfolio, and two local manufacturers could receive more than $7.6 million in payroll tax rebates under the...


OHFA Awards $600,000 to Organizations Providing Down Payment Assistance

Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency’s Board of Trustees approved Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) contracts during its July meeting to provide funding for affordable housing in Oklahoma. OHFA is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development designated state Participating Jurisdiction.



The Boulder Group Arranges Sale of Net Leased Family Dollar

The Boulder Group, a net leased investment brokerage firm, has completed the sale of a single tenant Family Dollar located at 1105 Tulsa Avenue in Kansas, Oklahoma for $975,000.